Case: Finding Hidden Bugs With T-VEC Solutions

The Approach

Modeled textual requirements, generated tests and test drivers, and executed tests

Lockheed Martin asked T-VEC to model textual requirements, generate tests, and execute tests against MPL code to determine if T-VEC tests could find the hidden bug.

  • Without any knowledge of actual bug, an engineer developed a requirement model from textual requirements.
  • T-VEC tools automatically generated comprehensive tests from the requirement models.
  • Test scripts and harnesses were generated by T-VEC tools to support automated test execution of MPL software.
  • T-VEC tools used to generate test results report comparing expected output to actual output.
  • The Problem
    Undiscovered code bug is likely cause of Mars Polar Lander crashs
  • The Approach
    Modeled textual requirements, generated tests and test drivers, and executed test
  • Implementation
    Apply T-VEC automated solution to model requirements, generate tests, and execute tests
  • Results
    T-VEC solutions identified code bug in fewer than 12 hours that is probable cause of failure